Making a Resolution to Find a New Job in 2008?

Many Americans take time to reflect on their lives while spending time with friends and family during the holiday season and it is traditionally popular to make resolutions for the coming New Year. A common resolution involves either career advancement or finding employment. For those who haven’t looked for a new job in while, the many resources available today can seem a bit overwhelming- but it doesn’t have to be. The online employment community at has developed this resume writing help guide those who will seek a new job in 2008. Probe. The first step is to take stock of your current employment situation and identify specific goals for yourself; do you want to look for a new job or go for a promotion at your current employer? What is it about your current situation that you want to change and why? Before engaging your time and energy, it is a good idea to identify a specific career goal for yourself.Prioritize. After you’ve identified a specific career goal (or goals), it is important to decide what factors are the most important to you in your job search by thinking about common questions such as: are you simply looking to make more money or is salary negotiable? Are you ready to make the next move up the ladder in your career or is a lateral move more realistic? Are you willing to relocate- if not how far away are you willing to commute? Are you going to stay within your current industry or is it time for you to try something new? Identifying those things most important to you upfront will help guide your job search and keep you focused on those positions that seem to fit your priorities best.Project. For many job seekers, projecting into the future is helpful in identifying steps needed in order to get where you want to be- envision the ideal position you’d like to be in. What do you want to be doing in 5 years? What is that dream job you’d like to have and what qualifications will you need to land it? Whether it is experience, education, or a promotion, there are a variety of factors that can influence your ability to land the ideal job in the future; identifying these factors will help make that dream job a reality.Plan. You have your goals and priorities identified and now it’s time to outline your action plan. Is your resume updated? Do you have current references? What job search resources can you use to search for a new position? How much time can you devote to your search every week?Persistence. Whatever resources you use or advice you receive, remember there is no “magic bullet,” no one single answer to finding the job you love. Your job search is a process that requires your passion, diligence and the flexibility to continue to improve your approach. Follow up interviews with thank you notes and network as much as possible to help you identify good opportunities.For more information and job seeking advice, visit at’S NOTE: Local experts are available for interviews (including New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day), to share these tips and general job searching advice for people who are making resolutions to find a new job in 2008. Contact Joe Cockrell to schedule at (602) 516-5537.About three-time Inc. 500™ fastest-growing company, is a leading media provider of locally-focused recruiting, online job search and talent management solutions designed to connect local employers and job seekers.’s portfolio of products include, among others: the largest locally-focused job search web site; Career Expo job fairs; JobingVideo; JobingCareerCenter and Go Jobing magazine. is a privately held, employee-owned company, funded by investors Great Hill Partners and JMI Equity. The company currently serves communities in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Wisconsin. For more information visit

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